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Type of Medicines
Allopathic medicine refers to the practice of traditional Western Medicine. It is evidence based system, a product of robust scientific research.
The ancient Indian Medical System known as ‘Ayurveda’ based on ancient writings that rely on a natural and holistic approach to physical and mental health.
Homeopathy is a medical philosphy and practice based on the idea that body can heal itself. It is based on the idea that “Like Cures Like”
Allopathic Medicine
“Allopathic medicine refers to the practice of traditional Western medicine. The term Allopathic medicine is most often used to contrast conventional medicine with alternative medicine or homeopathy.”
Complementary medicine is a term that has looked at the role of alternative medicine as a “compliment” to Allopathic medicine, but the meaning has become obscure in recent years.
Integrative medicine is the term that is being increasingly used to refer to the practice of combining the best of alternative medicine with the best of conventional medicine to manage and reduce the risk of disease.

Benefits of Allopathic Medicine
The main benefit of allopathic medicine is its evidence-based system. This means each diagnostic tool and treatment regimen is the product of robust scientific research.
Other benefits of Allopathic care include:
- Receiving treatment from highly qualified and licensed professionals
- Accessing the most effective medicines
- Using sophisticated diagnostic tools
- Using extensively researched and tested treatments
- Accessing clinics and treatment centers in most towns and cities
- Funding for new drugs and treatments in large amounts
Risks of Allopathic Medicine:
Allopathic medicines or drugs are not categorically risk-free, despite undergoing rigorous clinical trials and approval processes.
The FDA only considers a medication safe when the benefits outweigh the risks. Consequently, some people may experience side effects after taking prescription medications. Sometimes these side effects are minor, but they can be serious on rare occasions.
Medication use risks include:
Harmful interactions: This could happen when medication reacts with food or supplements a person has consumed.
Allergic reaction: A person may not know they have an allergy to a specific ingredient within the medication until they take it.
Unexpected effect: The medication works differently from what the doctor expected.
It is important to note that although prescription drugs carry some risk of side effects; these risks are mostly minor and are unlikely to occur in most people.
Allopathic Medicine Treatments
Allopathic medicine doctors and other healthcare professionals use a range of treatments to treat infection, illness, and disease. These include prescription drugs like:
- Antibiotics (penicillin, amoxicillin, vancomycin, Augmentin)
- Blood pressure medications (diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, ace inhibitors)
- Diabetes Drugs (metformin, sitagliptin, DPP-4 inhibitors, thiazolidinediones)
- Migraine Medications (ergotamine’s, triptans, anti-nausea drugs)
Some types of prescription drugs replace hormones when the body can’t make enough or any of a certain type, such as:
- Insulin (in diabetes)
- Thyroid hormones (in hypothyroidism)
- Estrogen
- Testosterone
- Allopathic medicine professionals may also recommend over-the-counter (OTC) medications like pain relievers (acetaminophen, aspirin)
- Muscle relaxers
- Cough suppressants
- Sore throat medications
- Antibiotic ointments
Common allopathic medicine treatments also include: Surgery and surgical procedures, radiation treatments treatments.
Ayurvedic Medicines
The ancient Indian medical system, also known as Ayurveda, is based on ancient writings that rely on a “natural” and holistic approach to physical and mental health. Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world’s oldest medical systems and remains one of India’s traditional health care systems. The ayurvedic treatment combines products (mainly derived from plants, but may also include animal, metal, and mineral), diet, exercise, and lifestyle.
Here are some of the primary benefits that one can achieve with consistent use of Ayurveda.
Ayurveda essentially means the knowledge of life. It is a precise combination of science and the art of healthy living. Ayurveda is popular for its extensive natural healing ways that work on illnesses and improve the general wellness of the human body and mind.

There are some benefits are given below:
- Weight Loss and Maintenance
- Healthy and Glowing Skin and Hair
- Say Goodbye to Stress
- Reduce Inflammation
- Cleanse the Body
- Lower Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Symptoms of Illness and Diseases
List of Best Indian Ayurvedic Herbs with Their Health Benefits:
a) Ayurveda weight loss Herbs
Obesity is one of the most common problems faced by millions in the current age. Including the below Herbs in your diet can help you control your weight. Triphala: The Ayurvedic herbal preparation comprises Amalaki (Indian gooseberry), bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and haritaki (Terminalia schedule). Kalonji or black cumin has shown improved weight loss efforts for all. Other Herbs that aid weight loss is punarnava, aloe vera, ajwain, lemon-honey, pepper, horse gram, and ginger-garlic lemon.
b) Ayurvedic Herbs for Hair Growth
The growing pollution, lack of proper nutrition, and stress are the prime reasons for hair loss. Using the following ayurvedic powders or oils made of Herbs will help you cleanse, manage, and grow your hair. The most effective and commonly used oil is coconut oil, which keeps fungal infections at bay. Other oils used to promote hair growth are almond oil, walnut oil, olive oil, and wheat germ oil. Fenugreek, Holy Basil, Gooseberry, hibiscus are other natural ingredients used for preparing different hair care products.
c) Immunity-Boosting Herbs in Ayurveda
In testing times, like now – with Corona scare, immunity is the top priority of everyone. And the herb to top the list is Ashwagandha. It helps to manage stress levels and sleep-wake cycles besides promoting immunity. Other Ayurvedic Herbs names that make it to the list of immunity booster Herbs are – Triphala Churna, Cinnamon, Brahmi, Cumin, Turmeric, Licorice root, Gotu Kola, Giloy, and Cardamom.
d) Ayurvedic Herbs for Skin
Skin allergies are common in children as they venture out. At times, it can be treated with simple remedies mentioned in Ayurveda texts against running to a dermatologist. One of the basic treatments is to mix turmeric with coconut oil to the affected area. Other Herbs used to treat primary skin infections are manjistha, aloe vera, neem, lavender, chamomile, and rosemary. For complicated skin allergies like eczema or psoriasis or patches on the skin, your Ayurvedic practitioner will prescribe specific Herbs or capsules.
e) Ayurvedic Herbs for Diabetes
Diabetes, previously regarded as a rich man’s disease, is now a common man’s disease. Ayurveda helps to control and keep diabetes in check. Sometimes, maintaining strict diet control and leading a healthy lifestyle can cure diabetes. The common Herbs used to treat diabetes are – Cinnamon, Aloe vera, Milk thistle, Fenugreek, Gymnema Sylvestre, Jamun, Ginger, and Giloy leaves.
f) Blood Purifier Herbs in Ayurveda
Some ayurvedic Herbs help resolve one problem. The best example would be neem, amla, and manjistha. They are one of the best blood purifiers mentioned in the Ayurveda treatise. Besides these, other Herbs used as blood purifiers are – Guduchi, Ginger, and Hibiscus.
Homeopathic Medicines
Type of Medicines – Allopathic – Ayurvedic – Homeopathic – Homeopathy, or homeopathic medicine, is a medical philosophy and practice based on the idea that the body can heal itself. Homeopathy was founded in the late 1700s in Germany and has been widely practiced throughout Europe. Homeopathic medicine views symptoms of illness as normal responses of the body as it attempts to regain health.
Homeopathy is based on the idea that “like cures like.” That is, if a substance causes a symptom in a healthy person, giving the person a very small amount of the same substance may cure the illness. In theory, a homeopathic dose enhances the body’s normal healing and self-regulatory processes.

A homeopathic health practitioner (homeopath) uses pills or liquid mixtures (solutions) containing only a little of an active ingredient (usually a plant or mineral) for the treatment of disease. These are known as highly diluted or “potentiated” substances. There isn’t strong evidence from science to show that homeopathic medicines are effective for any specific condition.
What is homeopathy used for?
Some people have used homeopathy to maintain health and treat a wide range of long-term illnesses, such as allergies, atopic dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and irritable bowel syndrome. They have also used it to treat minor injuries, such as cuts and scrapes and muscle strains or sprains. Homeopathic treatment is not considered appropriate for illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease, major infections, or emergencies.
Homeopathy has been widely used in India, England, and other European countries.
How Homeopathy helps Warts, Acne, and Pigmentation
1. Warts:
Warts, otherwise known as verruca or Condylomata, are locally occurring benign growths on the skin that are most commonly caused by Human Papilloma Virus. The virus enters through injuries like cuts and bruises and they multiply rapidly and form blister-like formations on the skin, called warts. Common warts do not cause pain or discomfort unless they are situated in areas that are being constantly irritated.
Homeopathy has been successful in getting rid of existing warts, preventing the formation of new ones, and reducing the skin’s tendency of forming new ones. Medicines can be taken orally and there is little or no local application. The treatment is from within and is permanent. The duration for which the treatment is taken varies from patient to patient, the severity of warts, and their chronicity.
2. Acne:
Acne occurs when pores on the skin become clogged due to dirt, debris, and bacteria. Skin produces sebum naturally which maintains the elasticity of the skin. Sometimes when there is excessive production of oil, it tends to attract dirt and clogs the pores. Acne is mostly associated with teenagers but can occur in people at any age. There are various contributing factors to acne formation, hormonal imbalances, unhealthy food and lifestyle choices, stress, and menstrual cycle being a few. The condition itself is minor, but if not treated promptly, can cause scarring.
Homeopathy has proven effective in the treatment of acne as it treats the root cause and promotes healthy skin. There are primarily two types of acne, non-inflammatory and inflammatory acne. Whiteheads and blackheads are the non-inflammatory variety while papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts are the inflammatory kind.
Homeopathy offers long-term cures for the prevention of acne formation, by targeting the root causes or triggers that cause it. It treats the causes of hormonal fluctuations and also helps reduce acute symptoms of acne-like pain, inflammation, and swelling.
3. Pigmentation:
Pigmentation is the darkening of facial skin due to the excessive production of a pigment called melanin. The medical term is melisma, where patches of pigmentation appear on the face, especially the cheeks, nose, forehead, and upper lip. Facial Pigmentation is more common in women, but in some cases, can also occur in men.
Major causes are hormonal changes in women during pregnancy, during menopause, consumption of contraceptive pills, and hyperthyroidism. Other trigger factors include stress, inadequate sleep, and overexposure to the sun. Homeopathy has a safe and effective remedy for treating facial pigmentation. They help by restoring an even tone to the skin and halting further progression of the condition.
Homeopathy helps Allergies and Asthma
1. Allergies
Did you know that allergy is the most common health problem in the world? Changes to the environment, society, and lifestyle all contribute to the rising number of allergies today. Factors that increase the risk of developing allergies include inadequate nutrient intake, environmental pollution, stress, lack of physical activities, side effects of medication, obesity, tobacco and alcohol consumption, and lastly, genetics.
Common allergic symptoms include, but are not limited to, coughing, dry itchy skin, ear discomfort, runny or blocked nose, watery or itchy eyes with redness, sneezing, and breathing difficulties. Homeopathy has effective, constitutional medicines for allergies. This means that a remedy is chosen considering the totality of the symptoms the person is experiencing. This requires the guidance and expertise of a professional homeopath, and a detailed consultation is necessary to embark on this method of treatment.
People can use homeopathic remedies to alleviate symptoms in the acute stages of their allergy. This will not completely cure the allergy but will provide temporary relief without any side effects.
2. Asthma
Asthma is a condition where the airways that carry air into and out of your lungs become extra sensitive to particles carried along with air when you breathe. It tends to be hereditary and is higher in families that have a history of allergies and in people who smoke or are exposed to it. When a person with asthma comes into contact with an allergen in the air, the lining of the airways or the muscles surrounding the airways tend to swell causing it to constrict, or mucus builds up which can cause difficulty in breathing. Commonly manifested symptoms include tightness in the chest, wheezing, and coughing.
Homeopathy offers safe and permanent cures for asthma, as the medication treats the problem at the root cause. The treatments encourage the body’s restorative processes by strengthening the natural healing system. In cases where the cause for asthma is an allergic reaction, homeopathy treats the causative elements of the allergy safely and without side effects.
Homeopathy helps Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is one of the most common reasons people try out alternative pain management therapies. Some of the chronic pains that are treated with homeopathy are aching muscles, sprains and bruises, aching, swollen or stiff joints and muscles, shooting pains that result from nerve damage, and arthritis and back pain, which are worse in the morning, but gets better with hot water fomentation and movement.
Homeopathy personalized treatment to each individual, and it may be more economical than regular pharmaceutical medicines. Usually, a combination of remedies is given, out of which a few ingredients may help treat the pain. Treatment is safe and has long-term benefits.
Homeopathy helps Anxiety and Depression
1. Anxiety
Anxiety is when a person is in a constant state of worry and is unable to relax. Small things can keep them on edge for many days. People who suffer chronic anxiety worry and exhibit tension when there is nothing to provoke such a reaction. They always anticipate things going wrong and worry excessively about money, health, work, and family, to name a few. Their anxiety is more than the situation warrants. Sometimes there are physical manifestations like fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, aches, difficulty swallowing, shaking, twitching, irritability, sweating, and hot flashes. They may also experience nausea and frequently go to the bathroom.
2. Depression
Depression is dangerous as it can be difficult to identify the symptoms in the initial stages. People tend to overlook it as a mere low-mood or worse, think it is part of their psychological nature. Friends and family also have difficulty identifying the condition. Conventional medicines fail in the treatment of depression because when adequate results are not seen, the dosage and the number of medicines are simply increased. This case of “polypharmacy” may worsen the condition, and not relieve it.
Homeopathy offers solutions to anxiety disorders and depression by understanding physical and psychological reasons for the patient’s symptoms. A remedy is given that best suits the overall scope of symptoms, which helps them to experience a better state of health on all levels. There are effective treatments to depression in homeopathy and they are individualized to each person’s specific condition and history. The results are long-term, safe, and sometimes more effective than conventional treatments.